Hawaii office

Maui Homes USA.
PO Box 25446 Honolulu, Hawaii 96825
TEL (808)779 4117
FAX (808)395 2526
Hawaii General Contoractor License #BC29525

IMG 20220309 192353

Japan office


本社 〒659-0083 兵庫県芦屋市西山町11-17-410 
TEL 0797-35-0187
許可番号: 兵庫県知事〈般・22)第216317号

David Clyne 社長インタビュー(英語)

David Clyne 社長インタビュー(日本語)


David Clyne

David Clyne worked in Los Angeles, California as a project manager for the design and construction of industrial facilities from 1988 through 1993. In 1994, he was relocated to Japan to manage a division of Wrico International importing building materials from the United States to Japan for the construction of 2 x 4 American style wood framed homes. In 1997, he started his own company, Maui Homes Incorporated in Japan as a general contractor and in Hawaii as a building material supplier. Since 1997, he has built over 100 single-family homes in Japan. He holds general contractor’s licenses in both Japan and Hawaii.

In 2007, David built a three-story elementary school in Ashiya, Japan. During the first part of 2009, David was honored to be part of the design and construction team for the 7-story wood framed mid-rise structure for NEESwood at the E-Defense earthquake test center in Miki, Japan.

In addition to operating Maui Homes International in Japan, David is also a principle in design-build contractor in Honolulu, Hawaii.

David Clyne is husband to a beautiful Japanese wife, Akemi, and the father of two wonderful children, Lisa and Timothy.









日本語での応対も可能ですし、日本とアメリカの文化の違い、商習慣を熟知しています。もちろん、ハワイ州公認のgeneral contractorの資格を所持しています。
